Email history overview
Learn how to review the email delivery history for employees in absentify, including delivery statuses and troubleshooting email issues.
To address frequent support requests regarding email delivery issues, absentify now includes an Email History tab for each employee. This feature allows admins to view emails sent to an employee within the last 90 days, along with their delivery statuses.
Accessing email history
- Navigate to Settings > Users.
- Select the desired user from the list and open their profile.
- In the user edit menu, select the Email history tab from the side menu.
Email history details
The Email History tab provides a list of emails sent to the employee over the past 90 days. Each entry includes the following information:
- Subject: The subject line of the email sent.
- Delivery status: Indicates whether the email was delivered successfully or encountered issues such as soft bounces, hard bounces, or other delivery failures.
- Timestamp: The date and time the email was sent.
Delivery statuses can help identify potential issues with email delivery. For details on troubleshooting email problems, refer to the email delivery troubleshooting guide.
Common use cases
Identifying missed emails
Admins can check if an employee has received specific emails, such as:
- Leave request approvals.
- Absence summaries.
- Notifications about updates or changes.
Diagnosing delivery issues
If an email is not delivered successfully, the Delivery Status field will show the reason, such as:
- Soft bounce: Temporary issues like a full mailbox or server unavailability.
- Hard bounce: Permanent delivery failures, such as an invalid email address.
Admins can use this information to resolve issues promptly or escalate them for further support.
Best practices
- Regularly review email histories for employees who report missed emails.
- Use the Delivery Status to identify trends, such as recurring soft bounces, and address them proactively.
- For unresolved issues, consult the email delivery troubleshooting guide.
Persistent delivery failures, such as hard bounces, may require updating the employee’s email address or involving your IT team to investigate further.
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