The Overview page in absentify provides a clear view of your team’s upcoming schedules, making it easy to see who is available or on leave. When you log in to absentify, this page opens automatically with the display starting from today’s date, showing schedules for your department or the last viewed department.

In cases where privacy settings restrict details, absences will be displayed like other leave types with the color . When you hover over these absences, you will see “Absent” instead of a specific leave type name.

Additionally, your leave allowance information is private to you and visible only to managers, approvers, and HR administrators. Other team members will not have access to this information.

Viewing team schedules and adjusting the time period

On the Overview page, you’ll see:

  • A timeline starting from today that shows who is scheduled to be off, with symbols and colors representing different types of leave, depending on your company’s configuration.
  • Navigation controls in the top left corner to adjust the displayed time period, using the left and right arrows.

The number of days displayed on the page adjusts to your screen size. For example, on larger displays, you may see up to a full month, while on smaller screens, fewer days are shown. Clicking the left or right arrow shifts the view by the number of days currently displayed, letting you easily move forward or backward in time. The current day is highlighted with a blue border on the weekday name for easy reference.

Filtering by department

You can refine the displayed schedules by department or view absences across the entire organization:

  • Department filter: Use the search bar next to Department to select from a dropdown list of departments.
  • Absent today: This option filters to show only team members who are currently absent. If you belong to multiple departments, this filter will show absences across all of those departments.
  • All Departments: Select this to view schedules for the entire organization without department-based filtering.

Access to department or organization-wide views may depend on your company’s privacy settings. Some users may only be able to view absences within their own department.

If you belong to a single department, this department will be displayed by default, and the Absent today filter will limit the view to employees from that department who are currently off.

Viewing absence details

Clicking on a specific day for an absence opens a detailed dialog box with the following information:

  • Leave type and duration: Displays the type of leave (e.g., “Vacation”) along with the start and end dates. For day-based absences (including multiple days or half-day absences), the time settings will reflect your company’s configuration, such as Morning, Afternoon, Lunchtime, or End of day. For absences tracked by the hour, specific times are displayed according to your profile settings.
  • Reason: If a reason for the absence was provided during the request creation, it will be displayed here.
  • Status: Shows the current status of the leave request:
    • Pending: The request is awaiting approval from your manager or approver.
    • Approved: The request has been approved and is officially recorded.
    • Declined: The request was declined. You may need to adjust details and resubmit if necessary.
  • Process status: Details the approval process, indicating who needs to approve the request and their decision status.
  • Take from allowance: Specifies the number of days (or hours) deducted from the employee’s leave allowance, if applicable.
  • Request created: Indicates the date and time when the leave request was originally submitted.
  • Request created by: Shows the name and profile picture of the person who created the request.
  • Files: If documents were uploaded during the absence request creation, they will be displayed here under Files. You can download these attachments by clicking on the file name.
    Admins, approvers, and requesters can upload additional files later.

If you are viewing another team member’s leave, you will only see the details you’re authorized to view. For your own leave requests, all relevant details are accessible.

With these tools, the Overview page helps you stay informed about your team’s schedules and coordinate absences effectively within your department.