As an employee, you can only cancel your own future absence requests in absentify. Follow the steps below to cancel a request:

Requests that have already started or are in the past can only be canceled by an administrator or manager. As an employee, you can only cancel requests that are scheduled for the future.

Select the request you want to cancel

Open your calendar and click on the absence request you want to cancel, such as a vacation request from March 17th to March 20th.


Choose to cancel the request

In the absence request window, click on the three small dots at the bottom left and then select “Cancel request”.


Provide a reason for cancellation

A field will appear prompting you to give a reason for the cancellation. Once you’ve entered the reason, click “OK” to confirm the cancellation.


Verify the cancellation

Go to the Overview page to confirm that your request has been successfully canceled. The request should no longer appear on your calendar.

All approvers and managers linked to this request will automatically be notified once you cancel it, ensuring they are informed of the change.

Example of a request that cannot be canceled

Requests that have already started or are in the past cannot be canceled by regular employees. In the example below, Diego’s paternity leave began on March 8th, meaning it can no longer be canceled as of March 9th. Note that the three dots to access the Cancel request option are not visible in this case.