Annual overview
Get a comprehensive view of your personal leave, allowances, and schedule in absentify.
The My calendar page in absentify provides an Annual overview of your personal leave, displaying past absences, future planned leave, and remaining allowances. This page includes both deductible and non-deductible leave types, public holidays, and non-working days, allowing you to plan and manage your time off effectively.
Navigating the annual overview
To access My calendar (Annual overview), click on My calendar in the top navigation bar. The page displays the current year with each month shown as a calendar grid. This layout allows you to view all absences and planned time off at a glance:
- Past and planned absences: Each absence, whether past or scheduled, is marked on the calendar with a color and icon representing its Leave Type.
- Approved and pending absences: Approved absences are displayed with full opacity, while pending absences are slightly transparent, appearing lighter to distinguish them from approved ones.
- Day-based and hourly absences: Absences can span full or partial days (e.g., Morning, Afternoon, Lunchtime, End of day) or specific hours, depending on your company’s configuration.
- Non-working days: Days when you are not scheduled to work, such as weekends, are displayed in dark gray. These are configured by your HR Admin.
- Public holidays: Public holidays assigned to you based on your regional settings are also displayed on the calendar.
- Today’s date: The current day is highlighted with a blue circle.
You can navigate between years by clicking the arrows in the top left corner, allowing you to view past or future years as needed.
Allowance summary
On the left side of the My calendar page, you’ll find a breakdown of your leave allowances for the selected year. Allowances represent the number of days or hours available for specific types of leave, as configured by your company. Each allowance type is associated with one or more Leave Types that determine how the leave can be used.
Deductible leave
This section displays allowances that reduce your main paid leave balance. For each deductible allowance type, you’ll see:
- Allowance: The total number of days or hours allocated to you for the year.
- Carried over: Any unused days or hours from the previous year.
- Remaining balance: The number of days or hours still available for use within the current year.
If your company has multiple allowance types, such as vacation or special leave, each type will appear separately.
Non-deductible leave
Non-deductible leave types, which do not impact your main vacation allowance, are listed in a separate section. These may include sick leave or other approved absences that don’t count against your primary balance.
- Public holidays: Public holidays are displayed based on your regional settings. The total number of public holidays assigned to you is shown in days.
- Non-working days: Days when you are not scheduled to work (e.g., weekends) are shown in dark gray to distinguish them from regular workdays.
Viewing absence details
Clicking on a specific day for an absence opens a detailed dialog box with the following information:
- Leave type and duration: Displays the type of leave (e.g., “Vacation”) along with the start and end dates. For day-based absences (including multiple days or half-day absences), the time settings will reflect your company’s configuration, such as Morning, Afternoon, Lunchtime, or End of day. For absences tracked by the hour, specific times are displayed according to your profile settings.
- Reason: If a reason for the absence was provided during the request creation, it will be displayed here.
- Status: Shows the current status of the leave request:
- Pending: The request is awaiting approval from your manager or approver.
- Approved: The request has been approved and is officially recorded.
- Declined: The request was declined. You may need to adjust details and resubmit if necessary.
- Process status: Details the approval process, indicating who needs to approve the request and their decision status.
- Take from allowance: Specifies the number of days (or hours) deducted from the employee’s leave allowance, if applicable.
- Request created: Indicates the date and time when the leave request was originally submitted.
- Request created by: Shows the name and profile picture of the person who created the request.
- Files: If documents were uploaded during the absence request creation, they will be displayed here under Files. You can download these attachments by clicking on the file name.
Admins, approvers, and requesters can upload additional files later.
If you are viewing another team member’s leave, you will only see the details you’re authorized to view. For your own leave requests, all relevant details are accessible.
With the Annual overview in My calendar, you have a centralized view of your entire year’s absences, leave types, and allowances, helping you to plan and manage your time off effectively.
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