The Overview page in absentify provides department managers with a comprehensive view of their team’s schedules, leave types, and pending requests. While much of the functionality is the same as described in the employee overview guide, this guide focuses on the additional features and permissions available to managers.

Filtering by department

The Department filter allows you to refine the displayed schedules based on specific teams or view absences across multiple departments.

  • Use the Department filter dropdown to select individual departments.
  • Select Absent today to see which team members are currently absent.
  • Use All Departments to remove filters and view the complete organizational schedule (if permitted by your access rights).

Depending on your company’s configuration, you may see schedules for all departments or only those where you are a member or manager.

  • If departments are configured to see each other, you’ll have visibility across many departments.
  • If departments are configured to not see each other, your visibility will be restricted to the departments you manage or belong to.

Viewing detailed absence information

As a manager, you can click on any absence in the timeline to view additional details, including:

  • Leave type: The type of leave and its duration.

    • Normal employees can only see this for their own absences.
    • For absences of other employees, normal users may see only “Absent” (depending on privacy settings).
    • As a manager, you can always view the specific leave types and durations for employees in your department.
  • Status: Approval status (accepted, denied, or pending).

    • Normal employees can only see the status for their own requests.
    • Managers can see the approval status for all requests in their department.
  • Taken from allowance: Whether the absence was deducted from vacation days and the number of days deducted.

    • Normal employees can only see this information for their own absences.
    • Managers can view this for all employees in their department.

This detailed view gives managers the tools to monitor team absences effectively and address any scheduling issues.

Viewing allowances and employee details

As a manager, you have extended visibility into your department members’ allowances and absences:

  • Remaining allowances: You can see how many leave days each team member has left on their allowance.
  • Employee details: Clicking on an employee opens a detailed view of their absences, including:
    • All used and remaining leave days.
    • A breakdown of their leave history.
    • Any holidays affecting their schedule.

Normal employees are restricted to viewing only their own allowances and absences. Managers, however, have full visibility for all employees within their department.

Viewing all absence types

As a department manager, you can view all absence types and reasons for employees within your department. For employees in other departments, your visibility may be limited, depending on your company’s privacy settings. However, for your own department, all absences and their reasons are fully visible.

Managing requests

  • View pending requests directly in the timeline or by clicking the bell icon in the top-right corner.
  • Approve or deny requests with a single click. For denials, you’ll need to provide a reason.

For a general introduction to the Overview page and how it works, refer to the employee overview guide.

This powerful tool lets managers coordinate team schedules effectively and maintain oversight of absence workflows. For additional support, contact your HR administrator.