Managing approval requests as a manager
Learn how managers can handle absence approval requests using the notification system in absentify.
As a manager in absentify, you are responsible for overseeing approval requests for absences within your department. The notification bell in the top-right corner of the navigation bar informs you of requests where you are the designated approver, but you can also view requests that other approvers in your department have not yet addressed.
Notifications for pending approval requests
If there are pending approval requests where you are the designated approver, the bell icon in the top-right corner of the screen will display:
- A red dot, indicating there are requests requiring your action.
- A number, showing how many requests you need to review.
These notifications are exclusive to requests assigned directly to you.
However, even if the bell icon does not display a red dot, you can still click on it to access a list of all open requests in your department, including those assigned to other approvers.
Viewing open requests in your department
Clicking the bell icon opens a list of all open requests in your department. This list includes:
- Requests assigned directly to you (highlighted with a red dot on the bell).
- Requests assigned to other approvers in your department that remain unapproved.
For requests not assigned to you, you will see:
- The employee’s name and the details of their request.
- The name of the approver responsible for the request.
- The leave type, duration, and status of the request.
This allows you to monitor the approval workflow and address any delays caused by unprocessed requests.
Overriding requests in your department
As a manager, you have the ability to override pending requests assigned to other approvers in your department. This ensures that absences are handled promptly, even if the designated approver has not taken action.
To override a request:
- Click on the bell icon to view the list of open requests.
- Locate the request assigned to another approver.
- Review the request details.
- Approve or decline the request. If declining, provide a reason in the prompt before confirming.
Note: Overriding requests ensures that absences in your department are addressed on time, even if the designated approver has not acted.
Notifications for overriding requests
When you override a request, all relevant parties are notified:
- The employee will receive a notification that the manager has taken action.
- The original approver will also be notified that their responsibility was overridden and that they can no longer take action on the request.
Additionally, override actions are logged for transparency:
- Excel exports include details of who performed the override.
- The request details view clearly indicates who overrode the approval process.
Key considerations
- Visibility: Managers can see and act on requests for all employees in their department, including those assigned to other approvers.
- Notifications: Approval, decline, or override actions trigger notifications to all relevant parties.
- Audit trail: All actions taken by managers, including overrides, are logged and visible in the system for future reference.
For general information about handling approval requests, refer to the employee approval guide.
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