As a department manager, you have access to the Insights feature in absentify, located in the top navigation bar. This tool provides valuable metrics and trends to help you manage your team effectively and promote their well-being.

Accessing the Insights page

Navigate to the top menu bar in absentify and click on Insights. This will open the dashboard for your department, displaying key metrics and charts about leave patterns and employee activity.

Viewing department statistics

The main Insights dashboard provides an overview of important statistics for your department, including:

  • Booked: The total number of absence days booked by employees for the current year.
  • Remaining: The total number of contingent days still available after booked days are deducted.
  • Total allowance: The sum of both Booked and Remaining days, reflecting the department’s total annual allowance.
  • Number of employees: The total number of employees in your department.

These stats give a quick snapshot of your department’s leave utilization and help you monitor available resources.

Filtering by department

If you manage multiple departments, use the dropdown menu at the top of the Insights page to switch between specific departments. Only the departments you manage will appear in the list.

Exploring the Annual Trend chart

The Annual Trend chart visualizes the distribution of leave types across the months of the current year. This helps you identify patterns, such as peak absence periods, and plan accordingly.

  • Click on specific leave types in the legend to filter the chart and focus on certain categories.

Monitoring employee well-being with the Burnout Board

The Burnout Board highlights employees who may need a break. This is determined by considering when they last took time off and how far away their next approved leave is.

  • Employees flagged here should be prioritized for a break to maintain productivity and prevent burnout.
  • Once time off is scheduled for these employees, they will automatically be removed from the Burnout Board.

Tip: Use these insights to balance workloads, optimize absence planning, and promote employee well-being across your team.

If you need further assistance or have questions about this feature, please contact your HR administrator.