As a manager, you have the ability to cancel absence requests for employees in your department. This feature allows you to manage absences effectively and address changes in scheduling needs. Depending on your organization’s settings, you may also be able to cancel requests for past or ongoing absences.

Canceling future absence requests

You can cancel any future absence request for employees in your department. To do this:

  1. Go to the Overview page in absentify and locate the absence request you want to cancel.
  2. Click on the request to open the absence details popup.
  3. Click the three stacked dots in the bottom-left corner of the popup and select Cancel request.
  4. Provide a reason for the cancellation in the prompt.
  5. Confirm the cancellation.

Once canceled, the request will be removed from the employee’s calendar, and all relevant parties (e.g., the employee and approvers) will receive an email notification.

Canceling past or ongoing absence requests

If the Retroactive absence cancellation setting is enabled by your HR administrator, you can also cancel absences that:

  • Have already started, or
  • Have occurred in the past.

This is useful for correcting errors or addressing unforeseen changes. When retroactive cancellation is disabled, this feature remains exclusive to administrators.

To cancel a past or ongoing absence:

  1. Follow the same steps as for future requests (above).
  2. Confirm the cancellation in the prompt.

Note: Regular employees cannot cancel their own past or ongoing absences. This functionality is only available to managers (if enabled) and administrators.

Key considerations

  • Notification emails: Any cancellation triggers an email notification to all relevant parties, including the employee and approvers.
  • Access limitations: Managers can only cancel requests for employees within their assigned departments. If you cannot cancel a request, contact your HR administrator to verify your permissions.
  • Record keeping: Canceled requests remain logged in the system for audit purposes, with the reason for cancellation visible to authorized users.

If you need assistance or encounter issues with canceling requests, contact your HR administrator for support.