Exceeding the API rate limit of 15 requests per second may lead to temporary errors or interruptions. To ensure stable operation, plan your requests to stay within this limit.

The absentify API supports up to 15 requests per second. Staying within this limit is essential for maintaining smooth and uninterrupted API access.

Best practices for staying within limits

  • Optimize request timing: Distribute requests evenly to avoid sudden spikes that might exceed the rate limit. Consider scheduling or batching requests when possible.
  • Implement backoff logic: If you reach the rate limit, add retry logic with a brief delay. This approach helps manage occasional bursts without impacting the application.
  • Monitor usage: Regularly track your request volume to identify high-traffic periods or patterns, allowing for adjustments to stay within the limit.
  • Set alerts: If available, set up alerts to notify you when request volumes approach the rate limit.

Summary: The absentify API has a rate limit of 15 requests per second. Properly managing request timing, retry logic, and monitoring helps prevent outages and ensures efficient API usage.